64 Jolimont Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002

Accounting News

Warning on ATO data matching “lifestyle” assets and your business


Data matching programs are a major compliance tool at the ATO and taxpayers need to be aware of them.



The ATO has announced/extended a number of data-matching programs recently. This includes lifestyle assets data matched from insurance providers for 2023–2024 to 2025–2026 for specified classes of asset where the asset value is equal to or exceeds nominated thresholds.

The assets and thresholds covered are:

  • caravans/motorhomes: $65,000;
  • motor vehicles including cars, trucks and motorcycles: $65,000;
  • thoroughbred horses: $65,000;
  • fine art: $100,000 per item;
  • marine vessels: $100,000; and
  • aircraft: $150,000.

The aim is to determine any tax risks relevant to businesses that the ATO is keen to address. This includes the omission or incorrect reporting of income and/or capital gain; omission or incorrect reporting of FBT, incorrect GST credits claims, use of assets in SMSF in breach.

This highlights the need to review your business assets to determine if you have such assets held and if these have been treated correctly in your accounts.




W Marshall & Associates 64 Jolimont Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002

Important: This is not advice. Clients should not act solely on the basis of the material contained in this Commentary. Items herein are general comments only and do not constitute or convey advice per se. Also changes in legislation may occur quickly. We therefore recommend that our formal advice be sought before taking any action. The Commentary is issued as a helpful guide to clients and for their private information. Therefore it should be regarded as confidential and not be made available to any person without our prior approval.